Each pair is unique! Indigo dyed Air Jordan 12 is coming soon

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Each pair is unique! Indigo dyed Air Jordan 12 is coming soon

2021 new jordan Air Jordan 12, which originally has a very high degree of visual recognition, ushered in the unique material presentation of "blue dye" texture this week!
Air Jordan 12 Indigo overall tone uses blue and white contrast to outline the asymmetric shoe body outline, and the blue part is specially made with the indigo dyeing process that has been thousands of years old, making the shade details of each pair of uppers slightly different.
Air Jordan 12 release comes with a card that says: "Imperfect beauty, fade to perfection". Indigo is one of the oldest dyes used in textile dyeing and printing. The oldest known fabric dyed in indigo dates back more than 6000 years. No two pieces are the same.It will be released on August 22, so interested friends should pay more attention to it!
