Alcohol rehab focuses on a patient's medical and emotional well-being. It includes inpatient treatment, medically assisted detoxification, and aftercare support. During treatment, the patient is given the tools needed to stay sober and learn about himself. In addition, the therapists may recommend further support and resources such as Alcoholics Anonymous.
Inpatient treatment
Inpatient treatment consists of several different treatment programs. Some are supervised medical detox programs, while others are less intensive. These programs may include individual or group therapy. They may be short-term or long-term. Inpatient programs focus on teaching patients to take responsibility for their actions and reframe negative behavior patterns. Some programs also provide life-long relapse prevention assistance.
An inpatient program is especially effective for those who have abused alcohol severely or for a long period of time. This type of treatment also removes a patient's environment from the sources of stress and temptation that encourage alcohol abuse. Inpatient clinics have a number of advantages over outpatient rehab, including a regulated schedule.
Inpatient treatment also limits access to alcohol. Alcohol-related illnesses account for an estimated 240 deaths in the U.S. each day. During inpatient treatment, a patient is not allowed to consume alcohol on campus. This allows them to learn how to stop drinking and stay sober when they are out.
Inpatient rehabs usually offer a 30-, 60-, or 90-day program. During the initial phase, patients undergo a medically-supervised detox to get rid of the toxins in their bodies. They also have a daily schedule of therapies and classes.
Medically assisted detoxification
Medically assisted detoxification is an important component of alcohol rehab. It ensures a safe and comfortable recovery for the patient. During the detoxification process, medical professionals will monitor the patient's vital signs and assess the patient's physical and mental health. This helps the team develop a customized treatment plan for the patient.
The goal of medically assisted detox is to remove all traces of drugs or alcohol from the body, thereby preparing the client for therapy. Though this process is not always included in an addiction treatment program, it is often required when an individual decides to enroll in a treatment program. This is due to the fact that an individual becomes accustomed to using substances and the brain needs to adjust to the sudden absence of those chemicals. Without these substances, the person will experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.
The process involves a medical team, an addiction counselor, and a naltrexone medication. The patient is sedated and administered 50 mg of naltrexone a day for four to five days. This detoxification process is highly complex and requires dedicated medical care.
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms may begin a few hours after a last drink and last for several days. However, most of these symptoms are mild and can be treated with medication. However, some people may experience post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). This syndrome includes symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, depression, delayed reflexes, and reduced energy. While not life-threatening, these symptoms can be uncomfortable and dangerous.
Aftercare support
Aftercare support is essential for long-term recovery, and a successful program should address the individual needs of the patient. Aftercare therapists will help patients determine how to continue the treatment process, and may help them find resources to help them find sober housing or gain employment. The aftercare plan may be modified based on the severity and depth of the client's needs.
Aftercare support can range from less intensive groups to outpatient therapy. It's important to keep in touch with the therapists and social workers who helped you during rehab, and it's also important to attend mutual support groups. Research shows that these groups have a positive impact on recovery and can help you find the support you need.
Aftercare can also include supervised living environments, video appointments, text message check-ins, and various tracking apps. Some programs also include social support and family therapy. Alcohol rehab aftercare programs may also be a part of a longer-term residential treatment program. These services are a vital part of ensuring that the client maintains sobriety and has a positive life after treatment.
Support groups for recovering alcoholics and substance abusers are essential components of many aftercare plans. These groups are made up of peers who are recovering from the same condition and share similar issues. These groups offer support and a safe, judgment-free environment for recovering addicts and alcoholics, as well as the opportunity to stay active and social.