The Complete Guide to Using PayPal on Amazon

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Learn how to properly use PayPal on Amazon, alternative cards to use on Amazon, and the Fincone global payment card. If you need it too, please contact us.Learn how to properly use PayPal on Amazon, alternative cards to use on Amazon, and the Fincone global payment card. If you need it too

How to Properly Use PayPal on Amazon

First we need to know if PayPal can be used on Amazon?

The very short answer is no: Amazon makes it clear that it doesn't accept PayPal as a payment method¹ - if you make a purchase through the site, you won't get PayPal as a payment option.

However, you can solve this problem in various ways. If you have money in your PayPal balance that you want to spend on Amazon, you might still be in luck. We'll take a look at some of your options in a moment.

Secondly, we need to know why PayPal cannot be used on Amazon

It's annoying, isn't it? There's no specific answer, but some context helps explain the choice: Go back a few years, when PayPal started out as part of eBay -- which was, and still is, Amazon's main competitor. So integrating PayPal would help one of Amazon's main competitors.

Now, there may be another reason — online payments are another area where Amazon is expanding. PayPal and Amazon will start to look more and more like direct competitors as Amazon Pays rises.

Finally we need to know how to use PayPal on Amazon.

You can pay with PayPal on Amazon through any of a few different workarounds. All methods take advantage of the alternative payment methods offered by these companies. you can:

1. Use PayPal Cash Card or Business Debit MasterCard

2. Use a PayPal key

3. Buy Amazon Gift Cards

How to use the PayPal Cash Card on Amazon

Fincone Global Payment Card

The PayPal Cash Card is a debit card for PayPal's US customers. As you might expect, it lets you use your PayPal funds to pay for things in store or online3. And, being a standard debit card, of course you can use it on Amazon just like you would any other card.

If you often have money in your PayPal account that you want to spend on Amazon, this is a great solution. The downside, of course, is that this is another set of card details to remember and carry with you. Getting a brand new card can be a pretty extreme solution if you literally buy something on Amazon.

Likewise, you might consider the PayPal Business Debit Mastercard, which does the same thing as the PayPal Cash Card but is aimed specifically at business users.

Alternative cards that can be used on Amazon

If you're considering buying a debit card for Amazon, you should understand that PayPal can be your option, but not your only option. The Global Payment Card launched by Fincone can also be a good choice for you, which you can use online or in physical stores.

Even better, if you pay in foreign currency, you always get the real exchange rate. In fact, the card is associated with transferring multi-currency accounts, which makes sending and receiving various international payments a breeze.

A slightly different solution is the PayPal key. It's a virtual card that can only be used online or over the phone, so you don't get extra plastic to carry around. It uses the Mastercard network, so you can use it online like a standard Mastercard - so paying on Amazon is no problem⁴.

This can be a bit more of a hassle than getting a brand new debit card, so getting your issue on Amazon might be a smoother solution.

Fincone Global Payment Card

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