Adult party decorations and favors can make or break a party, so it''s crucial to get the best selection and quality that money can buy. Often times, party hosts and event coordinators will shop at the local dollar store for costume accessories when really they should be looking for adult party accessories like Scented candles with animal themes, Sexy, sassy Bayou Apparel, or maybe even a personalized Baby Phat Onesie. When choosing Scented candles with animal themes choose one with a free spray bottle included, which is great if guests will have a blast decorating their rooms. Scented baby phat onesies are also a great option for those having a baby shower.
Sassy Bayou Apparel comes in animal prints and is usually only found at local department stores for a dollar or two. Animal print fabrics make great adult party decor and they add a lot of fun to any adult party. Guests love wearing these animal prints, but some people hate animals. If your guests are not into animals but still like the idea of a unique, fun adult party theme, consider Sassy Bayou Apparel as an alternative. Other fun ideas include sexy Sassy Hippo Onesie lingerie, horny cowgirls for men, and funky hippo pillows.
Hippo Pillows is a great adult party decoration and perfect for intimate situations, such as a couple''s getaway or honeymoon. This pillow offers a comfortable fit for guests who want to lounge around all night. They are soft, comfortable and come in animal print designs. For a more subdued party, consider using plain onesies or hippo pillows with matching blankets, but don''t skimp on the animal print options.
Another great Sassy theme is Baby Phat Onesies. Baby Phat Onesies are designed to be sexy and soft. They are smooth to touch, have a cute heart design in one corner and come in neutral colors. These are ideal for a couple''s bedroom, but can also be used as a fun playroom item during playtime.
A fun idea for sexy adult party themes is to use a variety of condoms. Have guests bring a jar of condoms to the party and distribute them out to people while they serve appetizers. You might even encourage adult men and women to bring along extra condoms to each other''s rooms Men will absolutely love the opportunity to rub their butts on these beautiful lumps of rubber. If you want to be more subtle, offer up flavored condoms or even fruity ones that are designed to appeal to a wider range of tastes.
The best part of a good party is when the guests leave and it''s time for adult beverages. There are so many sexy choices for alcoholic drinks, such as Cosmo and Peppermint Tea, that you will be bound to find a drink that everyone loves. One option that will definitely appeal to men is flavored mint juleps. With a little imagination and effort, you can transform an ordinary party into an event that any couple will never forget.
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