Produced in great quantities this season, Nike Air Force 1 Low has been outfitted with several different themes in recent memory including streetball homages, Katakana lettering for its latest Worlwide Pack, and even plaid/denim fabrics for the Remix Pack with Foot Locker. Continuing to hone in on its decoration skills, the basketball-turned-lifestyle silhouette is now taking another stab at executing a military-inspired number.Nike is set to release a new camouflage edition of their beloved Nike Air Force 1 Low silhouette.
This Nike Air Force 1 Low White Camo Gum features a White leather upper detailed with camouflage pattern on the side panels, tongues, and insoles.Moreover, if you peek at the Swooshes, you’ll notice they also feature camo patterns, but they are more so only visible when up-close given their tonal blend into its stealthy Swooshes. In terms of other regions of these Nike kicks, the rest of the upper/midsoles are left to a clean white presentation, while the outsoles toss in an extra dose of flair with their gum finishes.
This Air Jordan 1 Mid SE USA is a special colorway of Michael Jordan’s first signature shoe in mid-top form dedicated to Independence Day. Hitting right as the July holiday arrives is this USA-esque theme that covers the SE model with red, white, and navy blue – an obvious nod to the American flag. Hit of gold would sent these to the “Olympic” category, but there’s no alchemic details to be found. And given that these are indeed an SE trim, you can expect upgraded materials in the suede, nylon-esque finish at the toe-box and lace collar, and exposed stitching around the tongue.
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